Tag Archives: software failures

Dirty Computers

Dirty Computers
Protecting your investment

Over ten years in the business, and I can tell you that next to viruses and software failures, the next worse threat to a computer is DUST and DIRT.

Warning: Opening your computer may invalidate the warranty. Only professionals should attempt any procedure that involves electricity. Incorrect work may result in shocks. Hardware may be destroyed by water, air, dust, dirt. The author of this article cannot be held liable for any damages.


A computer HEATS up. There are fans to bring in air and cool off the CPU (Chip) and motherboard. Trouble is, the air is not being filtered. Whether you live in Park Place or Mediterranean Avenue, dust circulates. Human hair, skin and worse Dog or Cats spew stuff in the air every day. It doesn’t matter how clean your house may be. Carpets vs. wood floors just makes it worse! And the home of a smoker? Nuff said.

Now you know WHY and HOW computers get dirty.

Partial instructions on cleaning a computer: FOR A DESKTOP COMPUTER:

Buy a “Gas Duster” product from a reputable store. This product will not have any water (harmful).

Turn off the computer. Unplug everything, especially the power cord. Unplug the Ethernet too.

Depending on the make/model lay the computer on its side, unscrew and remove the side panel.

Take the computer outside. Removing dust inside the house defeats the purpose!

Using the gas gun, safely use short bursts to remove the dust from all sensitive areas.

Allow the computer time to “dry” before reconnecting and before turning it back on.

Repeat every six months.

Jerrold Schiff

dirty, filthy computers, clean, desktop, windows